"I'd rather go naked than wear fur."-Christy Turlington
In early July, mega online retailer Overstock.com announced it will no longer sell fur on its website. Overstock has sold $1 million to $5 million per year in furs . The company was contacted by the Humane Society of the United States and according to news reports, Chief Executive Patrick Byrne said "The more we heard about the fur industry, the more we didn't want anything to do with it."
The company joins close to a hundred other retailers that have adopted fur-free policies. Designers and retailers range from high end Stella McCartney and Herve Leger to Old Navy and Zara. Check out the list to make sure next time you go shopping, you support a company that has taken a stance against fur. And after all, even Zsa Zsa would drop her fur for some of the fabulous faux pieces that are available. More about that when the temperature is not in the triple digits.
The fur free campaign website is full of educational information on the subject and you and take action by signing the fur free pledge. The Humane Society puts it best by urging readers to "choose compassion as your fashion."
To see the complete list of fur-free retailers and designers:
The Humane Society of the United States
Image source: arkonline