"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go pick out a vice-president. I'm thinking Rihanna."-Paris Hilton (for president)
Years from now, when future generations look back at the great presidential election of 2008, will they recall the proposed energy plans? The great health care debate? It's likely, even the economic woe solutions will barely be remembered. But odds are, the "My mama's for Obama!" t-shirt will live on. Or maybe the "Mac is back" shirt will fondly be found in a vintage store.
And its no wonder, because as the election heats up, the fun shirts just keep rolling out. T-shirt mega websites like Cafepress and Zazzle have hundreds of creative wearables to express your candidate's endorsement. Tell the world "McCain is my homeboy". Democrat? There's the "I rock with Barack" shirt or the "Da Bama!" design with a tasteful sketch of the presidential-hopeful's head. McCain supporters will not be disappointed either. Proudly wear your "McCainic" shirt or the "Use your brain, vote for McCain" tee. And in all fairness, after Paris' video comeback, there's the overexposed but one must admit slightly funny:"Vote Paris for President, not that white-haired dude.". As expected, the shirt comes in pink.
Feeling political?
Obama T-shirts
McCain T-shirts
Bark Obama v. McCanine
Image source: cafepress.com