"Please don't stop the music."-song, Rihanna
Lately, your pals have started to question your obsession with military style jackets and tall hard hats. They might have been willing to let your bizarre attire slide, but the constant click of a snare drum as you walk in straight lines and perfect 90 degree angles is starting to wear on their nerves. You can’t help it - all of the time that you spent playing Guitar Hero over the holidays has you tapped into your inner Band Geek. Some of the best years of your life were spent squawking on your oboe, as the rest of your family cruised the house with cotton balls stuffed in their ears. While it may be time to retire your marching band glory days, your involvement in music does not have to end.
Many public schools have had to cut music and art programs due to lack of funding, or because they cannot provide the students with the necessary instruments or equipment. Unfortunately, that means the students with limited funds may be left out of the world of music. There are several musical aid programs focused on keeping music in the schools or lives of children. Charity Music is a non-profit service organization which provides musical instruments to at-risk and disadvantaged youths as a means for bringing positive change in their lives. Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation, inspired by the motion picture Mr. Holland’s Opus, is a foundation dedicated to providing instruments to music programs that are in need of instruments for their pupils.
Consider donating your time, money, or old instruments to an organization that can bring music into the lives of youth. It may be time for you to take a bow and pass on that cherished oboe (and crazy hat), but the music does not have to stop.
More inspiration:
VH1 Save the Music
Sphinx Organization
image source: http://philsblogging.com